God makes a covenant with Abram. Makes him fertile and promises his offspring the land from the Nile to the Euphrates… the “Promised Land” after 400 years in captivity.
Genesis 14: One Just King
The Battle of Siddim and Abram honors God in victory.
Genesis 13: The Granting of Israel
The founding of Israel and the Jewish people.
Genesis 12: The Nation of Israel
From Noah to Abram.
Genesis 11: From Babel to Ur
The tower of Babel and the descendants of Shem.
Genesis 10: The Sons of Noah
The descendants of Noah after the flood.
Genesis 9: The Law
God’s laws to Noah, his covenant with man, and the hierarchy of Noah’s sons.
Genesis 8: The Waters Subside
The ark comes to rest on Mount Ararat, the waters subside, and Noah makes a sacrifice to appease God.
Genesis 7: The Flood
If you believe the God was unhappy with his creation and the iniquities of man, and decided to destroy his creation by a flood, except one honest man and his family, whom he instructed to build an ark to save…
Genesis 6: One Honest Man
The generations of man had devolved into corruption, sin and violence. And there were giants. For context, the characters would have been stone age and early iron age. I think the “fall” of man was what we now call the…