Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, tells them he was put in a position of power to save them, and commands that they move Jacob to Egypt to be with him.
Genesis 44: A Silver Cup in a Sack
Joseph plants his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. Judah offers himself as a slave to save Benjamin.
Genesis 43: The Second Journey to Egypt
Joseph’s brothers return to Egypt, bringing Benjamin and gifts and the silver that was discovered in their first sacks of grain. Joseph has them dine in his house, but does not reveal himself.
Genesis 42: Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt
As famine spreads across the land, Joseph’s brother go to Egypt. Joseph recognizes them and tricks them, insisting that they bring Benjamin to Egypt. The brothers return and Jacob protests.
Genesis 41: Pharaoh’s Dream
Pharaoh has a prophetic dream of an upcoming famine. Joseph is called to interpret it. He is made second-in-command of Egypt to set up the famine relief administration.
Genesis 40: The Cupbearer and the Baker
While in prison, Joseph interprets the dreams of two of Pharaoh’s officials who have been imprisoned for offences. Joseph’s interpretations come true.
Genesis 39: Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
Joseph is sold to an Egyptian official and rises through the ranks to become his assistant. The wife make advances and is rebuffed. She claims rape and Joseph is put in prison.
Genesis 38: Judah and Tamar
Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers, leaves the others, marries a Canaanite girl. He has three sons and ends up sleeping with his daughter-in-law, who has twins.
Genesis 37: Joseph’s Dream
Joseph has a dream that he will be a ruler. His jealous brother sell him into slavery. Thinking Joseph is dead, Jacob mourns him.
Genesis 36: Esau’s Descendants
A list of the chieftains and kings of Edom, in Canaan, who were the descendants of Esau, brother of Jacob, son of Isaac.