Yahweh commands Moses to set up and consecrate the tabernacle. Aaron and his sons are anointed as priests. Yahweh settles on the tabernacle.

Yahweh commands Moses to set up and consecrate the tabernacle. Aaron and his sons are anointed as priests. Yahweh settles on the tabernacle.
Yahweh replaces the Ten Commandments and reaffirms his covenant with Israel. He appears before Moses. Moses returns to the Israelites markedly changed, leaving the Israelites and the priests in awe.
While Moses was on the mountain with Yahweh, the Israelites reverted back to their old gods. Moses returns and commands the true believers to purge the camp of disbelievers. Yahweh sends a plague on the remaining disbelievers.
Yahweh gives more instructions for equipment and ritual for prayer.
Yahweh gives instructions for how Aaron and his sons will be consecrated and offerings made to make them and the altar holy. Aaron’s descendants will be the priests.
Yahweh gives instructions to make garments for Aaron and his sons to serve as priests at the tabernacle.
Yahweh tells Moses to bring the elders of Israel to meet him on Mount Sinai. Moses has the Israelites make offerings. Moses and Joshua go onto the mountain and stay 40 days and 40 nights.
Moses’ father-in-law Jethro visits the Israelite camp, He advises Moses to organize elders as judges over the Israelites to help him resolve their disputes. He returns home, leaving Moses’ wife and sons with him.
The Israelites camp at Rephidim and Yahweh provides them water. They are attacked by a local tribe and they win through Yahweh’s assistance.
The Israelites grumble that they have nothing to eat. Yahweh provides them quail at night and manna in the morning to make bread. As a test of their faith, Yahweh tells them to take only enough manna for one day; two days before the sabbath.