Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with his followers. He turns out the money-changers and vendors in the temple. He insults the priests and gives his followers some parables. He curses a fig tree.

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with his followers. He turns out the money-changers and vendors in the temple. He insults the priests and gives his followers some parables. He curses a fig tree.
Jesus continues to teach his Disciples. He foretells his death a third time. He leaves Jericho to go to Jerusalem and heals two blind men.
Herod has John the Baptist killed. Jesus heals the sick and feeds the multitudes. He walks on water before his disciples.
Jesus continues his public ministry: healing the sick, driving out demons, and battling the Pharisees who challenge him.
Jesus continues his ministry of teaching and healing in villages around Galilee.
Jesus continues his public ministry, heals man, and performs miracles.