Yahweh explains to Moses who he is and the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He tells Moses and Aaron to demand release of the Israelites.

Yahweh explains to Moses who he is and the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He tells Moses and Aaron to demand release of the Israelites.
Moses is wracked with doubt at Yahweh’s request that he go to Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites.
While tending his father-in-law’s flock near Mount Horeb, Moses encounters Yahweh, who commands him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Moses is born, hidden away, then tricked into the hands of Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as a prince. He kills an Egyptian in a fit of rage and flees into exile. He marries and has a son.
Jacob commands his party to abandon their other gods. God makes a covenant to Jacob and renamed him Israel. Deborah, Rachel, and Isaac die and are buried in Bethel.
Esau takes another wife. Jacob flees to Harran to find a wife and to flee Esau’s wrath. Jacob dreams of God and receives his promise.
Jacob and Rebekah trick the blind Isaac into giving Jacob his dying blessing.
This one-chapter interlude interrupts the story of Jacob and Esau and gives some historical asides about Isaac, his relationship with local tribal rulers, and a treaty he signed with Abimelek after disputes over wells.
The death of Abraham, the descendants of Ishmael, and Isaac’s sons Jacob and Esau. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup.
This romantic interlude tells how Abrahams servant went back to his clan in Aram-Naharaim, a region in Northwest Mesopotamia. He stops in the town of Nahor. This is likely in southern Turkey.