Yahweh tells the Israelites to consecrate their firstborn sons and livestock and celebrate a festival to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt. The Israelites take a circuitous route to draw Pharaoh’s army after them.

Yahweh tells the Israelites to consecrate their firstborn sons and livestock and celebrate a festival to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt. The Israelites take a circuitous route to draw Pharaoh’s army after them.
The generation of Joseph dies. The Israelites grow into a large population under successive Pharaohs. Becoming too large of a population, Pharaoh commands all the Hebrew boys drowned in the Nile at birth.
The magi visit the baby Jesus. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt. Herod calls for the death of all males in Bethlehem under the age of two. They return to Nazareth. Matthew cites the prophecies being fulfilled by Jesus’s birth.
Matthew gives the genealogy from Abraham to Jesus. Joseph discovered that Mary is pregnant. An angel visits him in a dream and tells him the baby is the Messiah.
Jacob is embalmed and taken to Canaan to be buried in the cave at Machpelah. Joseph’s brother throw themselves at his mercy. Joseph reassures them that he will not punish them for how they treated him. Joseph dies at age one hundred and ten. He requests to be taken to Machpelah when God takes them from Egypt to the land promised to Abraham by God.
As Jacob nears death, he blesses Joseph’s two sons, making the younger, Ephraim ahead of the older.
Joseph presents his family to Pharaoh and they are given the land of Goshen. Joseph distributes food during the famine years. Jacob dies.
Jacob gathers all his descendants and moves them to Egypt at Joseph’s behest. The tribe of the descendants of Abraham is relocated from Canaan.
Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, tells them he was put in a position of power to save them, and commands that they move Jacob to Egypt to be with him.
Joseph plants his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. Judah offers himself as a slave to save Benjamin.