Yahweh commands Moses and Aaron to divide the Israelites according to tribe and count the fighting aged men. The total is 603,550. The Levites are counted separately as keepers of the tabernacle.

Yahweh commands Moses and Aaron to divide the Israelites according to tribe and count the fighting aged men. The total is 603,550. The Levites are counted separately as keepers of the tabernacle.
The generation of Joseph dies. The Israelites grow into a large population under successive Pharaohs. Becoming too large of a population, Pharaoh commands all the Hebrew boys drowned in the Nile at birth.
Joseph plants his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. Judah offers himself as a slave to save Benjamin.
Joseph’s brothers return to Egypt, bringing Benjamin and gifts and the silver that was discovered in their first sacks of grain. Joseph has them dine in his house, but does not reveal himself.
Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers, leaves the others, marries a Canaanite girl. He has three sons and ends up sleeping with his daughter-in-law, who has twins.
Joseph has a dream that he will be a ruler. His jealous brother sell him into slavery. Thinking Joseph is dead, Jacob mourns him.