After 7 days of consecration, Moses commands Aaron and his sons to make offerings at the alter. Fire appears and consumes the offerings.

After 7 days of consecration, Moses commands Aaron and his sons to make offerings at the alter. Fire appears and consumes the offerings.
Yahweh commands Moses to assemble Aaron and his son’s for their ordination as priests. Moses completes the ordination as Yahweh commands.
Yahweh instructs the Israelites to prepare the fellowship offering. A portion of the fellowship offering is for the priests.
Yahweh instructs the Israelites to make a sacrifice as restitution for unintentional sin.
Yahweh instructs the Israelites to make offerings of atonement for unintentionally breaking His commands: for the priests, for the whole community, for a leader, and for a lay person.
Yahweh Instructs the Israelites to offer an animal as thanks, giving the fat, liver and kidneys – the best portions – to Yahweh. The remaining meat will be shared with the priests. The blood and fat is never to be eaten.
Yahweh gives Moses instructions for preparing a burnt offering on the bronze alter.
Yahweh gives the Israelites more laws.
Yahweh gives Moses laws for the Hebrews.
The Israelites camp at Rephidim and Yahweh provides them water. They are attacked by a local tribe and they win through Yahweh’s assistance.