Yahweh commands Moses and Aaron to divide the Israelites according to tribe and count the fighting aged men. The total is 603,550. The Levites are counted separately as keepers of the tabernacle.

Yahweh commands Moses and Aaron to divide the Israelites according to tribe and count the fighting aged men. The total is 603,550. The Levites are counted separately as keepers of the tabernacle.
Yahweh explains to Moses who he is and the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He tells Moses and Aaron to demand release of the Israelites.
The generation of Joseph dies. The Israelites grow into a large population under successive Pharaohs. Becoming too large of a population, Pharaoh commands all the Hebrew boys drowned in the Nile at birth.
As famine spreads across the land, Joseph’s brother go to Egypt. Joseph recognizes them and tricks them, insisting that they bring Benjamin to Egypt. The brothers return and Jacob protests.
Shechem, son of a local ruler, rapes Jacob’s daughters. Jacob’s sons Levi and Simeon take retribution, kill the men and plunder their town.